Saturday, December 20, 2014

perfect personality scores

Gabby Rosa was a good student in school, but she couldn't take a standardized test to save her life. This unfortunately severely restricted her chances at getting into a good college, until she found out about Depaul's new policy letting her submit a series of short essays instead of test scores. The prompts were designed to produce responses that gauged personality traits such as perseverance, adaptability, and discipline. The premise of this new system is that certain personality types are more likely to succeed in college than others. Traits like ambition and work ethic are highly sought after, and are viewed very positively by admissions staff. "Of the approximate 3000 four year schools out there, more than 850 are test-optional, with more than 100 being top tier prestigious universities"(Douglas Belkin, Wall Street Journal). Some colleges are even going further and requiring an additional 100 yes or no question behavioral test, with results being compared to college juniors and seniors who have taken the same test and are successful in their academics. Am example question might include what a student would do if they came home and their roommate left their dorm a mess.
This new method of assessment opens doors that were previously left closed to some students, but as it's a relitively new program, there is little data to back it up as being  more or less successful than the current methods. This emerging program is good to see. It puts more emphasize on a student as a person, instead of as a series of nukbers and test scores.

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